The Finger Lakes Region Board of Directors and the Race Chairs met to discuss the 2020 Fun One in September. Many factors have been reviewed and considered but under the current restrictions the Finger Lakes Region is facing with Watkins Glen International, New York State, and SCCA guidelines the Finger Lakes Region Board and Race Chairs have decided to cancel this event.
We have heard from some of our workers (most of whom are in the high risk population) that they are not comfortable coming to an event this year. There would be no after race gathering, no awards, no camping, no spectators, crew limits, and most importantly a limit on competitors.
The Finger Lakes Region has been hosting "The Fun One" event for 55 years and we are proud of it being FUN. With all the uncertainty and unknown we are all facing these days it is a great disappointment to not be able to move forward with this event.
As a racer I am disappointed, but we must consider the health and safety of participants, their families and our volunteers. I assure you The Finger Lakes Region will be back in 2021 with an event worthy of its name. The FUN One.